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We would love to have you as our guest anytime. Many frequently asked questions are answered here. However, if you still have questions, please contact us and we will help you find the answers.

  • How do I get to First Baptist Church?
    We are located at 311 North Thornton Avenue in Dalton, GA. Click here for a map and specific directions about our location.
  • Which entrance to the church should I use?
    There are multiple entrances to our building, and the best one to use will be influenced by your family situation. The most commonly used entrance is on the west side of the building leading into the Atrium area. Greeters are located near each of our church entrances on Sunday morning. These greeters can direct you to the proper Sunday School class, the sanctuary or chapel, and the preschool area if you have children. Guest parking spaces (and handicapped parking areas) are located on both the east and west sides of the building. The exterior door to our preschool area is locked from the outside on Sunday mornings for the protection and safety of our children. Come to any other door and you will find people who are more than willing to assist you in finding your needed location.
  • What should we wear, what do others wear to church on Sunday mornings?"
    Good questions. At First Baptist, you will find a variety of dress styles. There are many people who like to dress up and there are many who like to be more casual in their dress. You will see nice suits all the way to very casual attire. So we would encourage you to dress as you are used to in other churches or whatever makes you comfortable.
  • How can I find the right Sunday School class?
    We offer a wide variety of Sunday School classes for children, youth, and adults in all stages of life. Our preschool, children, and youth are in classes based upon their age. Adult classes are primarily based upon life stages. There is a listing of these classes in the Atrium, and more information here.
  • Is Childcare available during worship services?
    Yes, childcare through our Extended Session program is available during both Sunday morning services for infants and children up through age 4.
  • What about the Wednesday Night schedule?
    Wednesday nights at First Baptist are filled with food, fellowship, music and Bible Study for all ages.
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First Baptist Dalton 311 N. Thornton Ave.
Dalton, GA 30720  | |  (706) 278-2911

A Growing Tradition

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